
Sunday, February 22, 2009

8th Week

Omg... Keep losing my focus...

Did nothing proud in particular.

Start to "fervently" (I don't know if there's this word) draw up a timetable of what i MUST (and not want to) do

Time flies nowadays especially when i needed them.

And i'm not young anymore... (Lol, the girls say so)

So ya... don't plan "rubbish" like dota-ing in your timetable.

But let me leave here and play another game of dota... I will plan the timetable the next time round...

Oh... how crap am i...


Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yo, introducing sinema to you guys and gals.


Its right behind cathay cineplex and you've got to climb up a total of about 120 steps from cathay to reach the place.

It not only showcase local work but also to inspire the local filmmaking movement.


So A-gal sms-ed me on friday night asking me whether i would be free on saturday. So i suggested sinema and the above show. Lol... and she told me that she had been wanting to watch this over the past month too!

So u all can read the synopsis for what's the show about.

Below was what i thought about after leaving the show.

The same sentence were being used 5 times during the show, and each time when it was being said, it has a totally different meaning in it. To make it worse, the one listening to it misunderstand the intention of the one saying it.

So... it became rather complicated... It just proves that the same sentence will have different effects in different situation

All of the characters gave reasons on why they had chosen and love their respective partners. But they didn't let their partners know about it. That was i think the reason why the guy decided to change (frequent the gym + teaching PE instead of maths) thinking that he'll better suit the girl

(Well, we can also argue that the guy was low on confidence) Still, i wonder how many of you would have prefer the girl to let the guy know of her reason in being together with him.

Oops, 8th february le!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank you ~J~

The following was written for a guy to understand her girl.

1、她看到你跟别的女生亲近一些就会生气 (别说她小气,不信任你,她其实是在吃醋,这表示她十分在乎你)

2、她爱忧伤,爱掉泪 (别怪她多愁善感,她只是缺乏安全感,你要知道,她很少会为别人流泪)

3、跟你在一起总爱玩失踪 (别说她淘气,吓唬你,她只是爱看你急着找她的样子,证明一下她对你来说是重要的)

4、说:如果你不要她,她就去死 (不要说她威胁你,她只是告诉你,对她来说,你比一切都重要)

5、她总假装生气转身离开 (记住,她不是真地想走,离开时想要被挽留)

6. 她会突然冷淡你,或向你撒娇 (别怪她孩子气,她只是想让你哄哄她)

7、.出去吃饭,她吃得很少说吃不了了,让你替她吃 (别说她挑食或者浪费,她只是怕你吃不饱)

8、她总说她会帮你,让你有事找她 (其实她知道她帮不了你什么,她只想让你知道你还有她,她永远在你身边陪你)

9、她说:我不高兴了 (不要怪她无理取闹,她不是真的不开心,只是想你了,只是想要你几句安慰的话,哪怕是:乖~别闹了~)

10、她总说自己又胖了或者长得不够漂亮 (不要觉得她嫉妒别人,她只是怕在你眼中不够完美)

11、她总说你看谁谁谁他们怎么怎么样 (不要说她贪慕虚荣,总羡慕别人,她只是想让你知道怎样做能使她高兴)

12、她总是问:你在哪?你干什么呢? (她很关心你,只是想跟你说说话,你不给她发信息,她很矛盾,怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你,换了别人,爱干嘛干嘛,她不关心,所以请你一有时间就问候她一下,让她放心,让她知道你心里有她,她总是主动联系你,她会觉得她贱)

13、她说:天冷了,记得多穿衣服~ (不要嫌她烦,不要说她像你妈,你妈妈有时可能都比不上她对你的关心,换了别人,冻死也不关她的事,她知道你不傻,她只想让你知道她心里有你)

14、她说你看谁多有钱,长得多帅 (你不用生气,在她眼里,你是最好的,她只是想让你为了她努力奋斗)

15、她不分场合的抱你,吻你 (她不是炫耀什么,只是想让别人知道你俩有多好)

16、不论是过马路还是走在哪,她用手死死拽住你的胳臂 (不要说她粘人,她只是告诉你她信任你)

17、她总是走在你的左边 (不要说她多事,她只是想离你的心更尽一些)

18、在买东西时她总征求你的意见 (别说她没主见,依赖你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你为先)

19、买东西她总买便宜的 (别说她小气,她只是想为你省钱)